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Coolest hotels in Val Thorens

Trip Advisor users have voted for their favourites

featured in News & reviews Author Ellie Mahoney, Val Thorens Editor Updated

The results of the 2017 Trip Advisor travellers choice awards have just been released.

Two hotels in the Belleville Valley are in the top 25 French hotels.Taking 6th place out of the top 25 hotels in France, l'Ours Blanc Hotel in Les Menuires has been a firm favourite for some, coming back time and time again in its 26 year history, citing that it just "keeps getting better and better."

At number 15 is the relative new kid on the block in Val Thorens, Hotel Pashmina with its fabulous spa and great piste side location. Look out for the 'Igloo pod' a super suite with a room that opens up to the sky out on the rear terrace.

Over the past few years, Val Thorens has seen a transformation with lots of luxury and high end hotels opening up in the resort. We'll be expecting to see more hotels appearing in next years awards..

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